Trump spoke and Marjorie Taylor Greene melted. The Republicans applauded, the Democrats sulked. The President surpassed himself: bluffing, lying, accusing, betraying. He was in overdrive.
He is relentless in his need to hit everything and everybody who dare to stand in his way. His Putin obsession is Freudian and is no longer habiting the world of normalcy. Whatever causes this Russian Syndrome remains a riddle, hidden in layers of rumors.
One fact remains undisputed: Trump is on a mission, fueled by pique and insecurities. Others, in the first place Europe (Ukraine included), better regroup now and think twice before engaging further with that neurotic egomaniac. By the way, this applies also for Austalia, New Zeeland, Canada & Co. which might want to regroup.
The Maga crowd that veers between Trump and the gospel is a lost cause for Western civilization now. The US is in a Bruegel parade of the blind leading the blind.
The Oval office got a make-over which, if not refrained, will start to make it look like a set for an American soap. Melania will fit in.
Presidents Xi and Putin must be amused by the Trump zig-zag histrionics. Europeans had better reconsider their former blasé laissez faire. One should nevertheless beware of hasty, unwarranted retaliation or entering trade wars. Churchill comes up a lot lately. His bust is in the Oval office, so be it. His political stamina belongs and stays in Europe. Determination and appropriate measures don't need a circus. They belong to the quieter corridors of power, where thought speaks louder than invective and wherein style is weightier than derangement. President Macron fits the bill.
During his State of the Union address, Trump made a 13-year old cancer patient a member of the Secret Service. The most solemn of gatherings became just another farce. Sad! Returning to Churchill: "a nation that forgets its past has no future".
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