Saturday, October 19, 2024


The US economy is booming. It is the envy of the world. Creativity rules... So why is the mood so somber? 

Elections and campaigns seldom bring the best out of people and candidates. In the US, the tone and tenure of Trump hits rock bottom. Kamala Harris stays on course but she cannot stay idle and ignore the lies and insults that multiply by the hour. In his latest "performance", with the blessings of the cardinal of New York, Trump surpassed himself in vulgarity and name calling.

Surprisingly the race is tight. Trump holds on to his followers, predominantly found among males in his predictable middle and southern zones of "influence", and among plutocrats he seduces with taxes on imports and tax breaks for themselves. He is supposedly making inroads with some Latino and Black voters. Vice-President Harris scores in the large cities and seaboard, with women and students.

The Republicans, or better the "Trumpians," focus on border security, immigration, and a mix of baloney, insults and complots. The Democrats follow a defensive, classical design wherein trusted alliances and creative social engineering stand central. 

Obviously there is more to it than just a summary of headlines. Here lies the perverse turn of this campaign, unlike any other. What is at stake is an existential outcome. If Trump wins, the end of America as we know and trust it, becomes a reality. The monsters that lie quiet will be awakened. The EU and NATO will need to regroup. The Middle East will be "free for all". Taiwan will be in shock. Russia & Co. will send heartfelt congratulations. The rest of the world will probably cope. One often forgets Australia...wrong! There is also Netanjahu of course but he is a closet Trump fan anyway...

If this is not ominous enough for a global freak-out there are the perverse implications of a real American coup d'état, a reversal of values, a vindication of imaginary persecution and deep-state plots cooked-up in abortion clinics and campuses, in art galleries and theatres. Trump imports his expensive bibles from China rather than trusting the Christian printers next door.  One can bet the cardinal is happy to support the enemy of women's rights over another imported dark Indian candidate.

Gopnik writes about the Apocalypse to come if Kamala Harris were to lose. Already many usually more serene observers note with some Angst that the outcome feels too close for comfort. The noise is always louder than reason of course, but given the existential nature of this critical watershed, one must hope that the better angels will prevail. The question remains how angels will force the remaining closed minds to open and to break through the walls of prejudice and of a perverse, fascist Welt Anschauung. 

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