Wednesday, September 18, 2024

THE RIFLE THAT DIDN'T FIRE.......fortunately

While Trump played his usual golf, he was stalked by an individual armed with a SKS semi-automatic rifle. The would-be shooter left a couple of bags on the fence which surrounds the golf course. A security guard noticed and he was arrested in due course. He has a somewhat blurred, contradictory record and is under arrest.

That he could get so close, carrying an assault weapon shouldn't come as a surprise since in certain states of the Union people walk their guns like their dogs. As could be expected, the MAGA crowd went ballistic and yet again nuance was the loser. President Biden called Trump and showed that his diminishing more persuasive powers did not come at the price of his responsibility as president and...gentleman. So did the vice-president.

The Republicans who are on the defensive try to capitalize on this incident, accusing the Democrats for the weaponization of the political discourse. This is ironic coming from the MAGA  Stormtruppe, who have taken the last remnants of a democratic  discourse hostage. There is no real Republican party any longer. Trump likes to give the role of Cruella de Vil to women he feels close too:  Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee and now Laura Loomer, probably the worse of this unattractive deranged lot.

Whatever the outcome of the elections, the future looks grim. There will certainly be an ugly aftermath. The MAGA crowd will fight if they lose and destroy if they win. Justice (with this Supreme Court) will be under attack, since Trump will still be a convicted felon. One way or another, all elements are put in place to contest, break or otherwise attack by all means till the "deep state" is defeated.

November will be gloomy, whoever wins. The Electoral College game is the cherry on the MAGA pie. The coming winter of discontent might as well be a season to beware of.

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