Saturday, September 28, 2024

MARCH 14 1939 REDUX , SEPTEMBER 27 2024

Dr. Emil Hacha, Czech State president met with Hitler who informed him that German troops were marching towards the Czech border. Under inhuman pressure Hacha fainted and had to be revived by injection. Early morning he had to place the fate of his country in the hands of the Fuhrer.

Yesterday, September 27, Trump met with President Zelensky in Trump Tower, another photo-op showing Trump on his most unappealing side. The Ukranian president looked uncomfortable and visibly marked by war and pressure. He must have thought that with "friend"s like Trump, he no longer needed enemies.

Hitler knew history, Trump is ignorant. Otherwise they are equally unpleasant.

The closer the presidential election comes, the more ominous the times we live in become. Difficult situations have been abundant in the past, but there were leaders who inspired and who lifted people out from becoming desperate. Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Charles De Gaulle, Nelson Mandela were able to save their people from the collision of the tectonic plates. Today rogue leaders steer the same plates without a moral compass.  Zelensky is not tall like the MAGA king but he is still too large for his Russian nemesis to ignore.

It can be said that of all evil leaders, Trump is the most dangerous, since he has zero moral, historical or factual fiber. His lies and insults know NO borders. Putin & Co. are unpleasant and vicious but they know very well where the transgressions lead them. Trump is clueless or just oblivious of precedent.

If he were to win, the West had better run for cover and America for shelter. The current General Assembly of the UN gives a clear indication that we have entered the final agony of multilateralism. An aging Biden had the right words, again, but the noises elsewhere deafen the pertinence of a feeling that in the current circumstances feels hopelessly passé. Should we return to Spengler?

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