Friday, July 26, 2024


Some bullets are (in)famous. Some are linked to the first world war (Sarajevo), to epic grief (President Kennedy), to Opera ( Freichutz ), to Agatha Christie (A Murder is Announced) wherein a bullet is supposed to have grazed an ear...and didn't.

Trump & Co. are a strange lot. From his parents on, this clan looks cursed, some corrupting everything that crosses their path. The former president turned lies and vulgarity into some form of trademark.

Now we encounter another ear story. We got Van Gogh, Beethoven, i.a., and now the many stories popping up regarding the "attempt on the former president's life". Some aspects are almost a copycat from the assassination of JFK: an uninteresting suspect, bullet(s) that raise more questions than leading to answers, finally, leaving the FBI and the Secret Service embarrassed.

Trump is cursed. Most Americans doubt, rightly so, most if not everything he argues. His demeanor, both with others and with facts, is a permanent walk on the dark side. He ceases the moment, the optics, the correction. When he was "shot" he took immediately command of the image that drives now the MAGA crowd in a frenzy. 

Like in Agatha Christie, the distraction hides the path of the bullet.

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