Tuesday, July 23, 2024


In a fortnight everything changed in America. Trump suddenly shows his age. The Trump women appear hopelessly out of touch with today's demands and requirements. Vance represents noise over substance. The usual "entourage" fell on their face, like Rudy Giuliani...pathetic.

Kamala Harris will be a formidable contender. If she were to consider Pete Buttigieg as running mate she would create the dream team that many Americans only dared to imagine.

President Biden made a historic decision in accepting the toll of age over the lure of four more years. He has been a great president and his decline must have felt like the ultimate affront. Still, his withdrawal shouldn't be confused with quitting.

The Democrats were given a miraculous alternative. They had better come to terms with the scenario wherein the better intentions now have the opportunity to continue or improve the many achievements of the Biden administration.

As long as there is Trump, America is undone home and abroad. He has been compared to other unsavory figures, current and past, but at the end of the day, his vicious vulgarity has no precursor. If he were to lose the presidential election he would appear even more pathetic and, yes, very old indeed.

Kamala Harris is smart. Hence she knows that there are not enough containers to carry the insults and lies that the Trump machine is already loading. Likewise the last months of the Biden presidency might be painful to watch, since the Republican handbook doesn't make room for correct behavior or truth. She will rally all who have a social and intellectual fiber. They are the new silent majority eager to raise their voice and to embrace the idea of a country again at peace with itself. 

Suddenly the world will pay close attention to this other American drama. Countries that respect the United States will support Kamala Harris. The ones that don't better be counted for future reference.

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