Friday, July 19, 2024


While the Democrats watch Ionesco's play Exit the King, the Republicans chose to perform in some sort of Marat/Sade revival, made accessible to the deplorables. Trump rose, Biden sank.

The Republican show in Milwaukee was nauseating.  What was said by Trump, vice-president nominee Vance or Peter Navarro is frankly frightening. The histrionics of Hulk Hogan and others set the general tone of another "carnage" of manners. The prominent Trump women were all modelled in the cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

One should not underestimate this freaky appropriation by the Republicans of everything that appeals to the less recommendable instincts. Biden's sad Untergang gave Trump a window he gladly smashed. The Democrats are in panic while nothing moves their camp besides some polite questioning stuck between an irretrievable past and what appears to be an inescapable terrible future.

It shouldn't be like that, since the Democrats have the better program and good candidates. The President has done a sterling job. One wonders why he would risk all that out of a sudden stubborn misplaced pattern of behavior that is self-defeating.

The world is watching with glee, or in panic. Europeans would be left to their own devices under a second Trump term. The world at large could enter into some apocalypse of trade wars , migration mayhem, and religious aberration, à l'américaine.  One should beware of generalizations. There is something rotten in America, indeed, but Europe as well deals with its own "old right", with uneven success. The reality remains that more Americans believe in generosity, progress, culture, than the screamers heard in Milwaukee. The better actors are ready but the stage has to be readied...asap.

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