Thursday, March 9, 2023


The fighting in Ukraine goes on. It gets worse.

How long can Western caution be maintained before time runs out and moral outrage can be demarcated. The current waiting game wherein the West chooses to measure its engagement is becoming ludicrous. 

One gets oversaturated by the reasons given for the calibrated Western response. A  direct NATO involvement now might indeed be risky. However not providing the needed weaponry, with agreed rules of engagement, becomes unjustifiable. The Russian strategy of overall indiscriminate terror on civilians must be stopped, if not by direct involvement, by delivery of appropriate armament and defense. Bahkmut is happening here in Europe after all...

Europe appears to be too timid, fearing the Russians more than it dares to like Ukraine. The Bucharest Nine probably have more doubt than trust regarding Western Europeans. This conflict is diplomatically dangerous, insofar as Poutin doesn't need to come to the table, while others might have no other option because they fear that when fatigue sits in they will find themselves without popular support. They might end up in a trap of their own making. Even the reliable President Biden will enter the American presidential elections machine on fire and will need to head off all imaginable dirty tricks that the Republicans are readying. 

President Zelensky is a lonely man. The West, Europe in the first place, must choose "to be'' rather than not. Longings rooted in the past become irrelevant when not sustained by measurable engagement in the present.

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