Monday, January 9, 2023


There is a lot of buzz regarding Prince Harry's upcoming book. One shouldn't judge a book by its cover:  the author might be wise not to "over talk" and beware of letting his story be abducted before it enters the public domain.

Everyone who has been confronted by a catastrophic tragedy copes in his or her own way. Grief is one of the most valuable possessions we carry through life.

Prince Harry chose his own catharsis. It has been remarked that this move is well- paid-for.  Indeed.  He got rid of the scent of mothballs that is the warning sign for every approaching Windsor. His mother paid the price for attempting to normalize the grotesque.

Harry and Meghan should try to rekindle with their more private, happy days. Rehashing scores for too long looks as if one wants the independence he is entitled to without totally giving up the position he was born into. Beware of precedent and avoid both the Duke of Windsor-trap or the Vanity Fair mirror.

The world needs some form of happiness without a preordained script.

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