Saturday, May 15, 2021


On this Saturday, Bloody Saturday some hundred, often spoiled,  some selfish individuals are protesting in Brussels against the Corona safety measures that "infringe" on their freedoms (sic). This Belgian version of Red Brigades has not even an excuse or moral outrage to stand on.

At the same time, far away, Israel intensifies its intervention against the Palestinians. Gaza has become the figleaf for what is becoming a hybrid of war against Hamas and of a "mopping up" of street unrest in the occupied territories. 

It is a tale of two worlds, of the spolied, weepy attitude of a few in Brussels (and elsewhere) versus the outrageous tragedy in Palestine and Israel. No doubt Netanjahu uses his macho profile for the sole benefit of rescuing his future. The moderates in Israel and Palestine are sent packing, yet again. Someone will probably come up with a cease-fire of sorts, which will cause yet another delay in an unavoidable debacle.

In this May 15, "Nakba day", the Palestinians remember the hundred thousands who were expelled after the creation of Israel in 1948. I wish the sad lot of Brussels protesters could reflect on a cause like this, rather than dwell in the sordid narcissic frustration over imaginary "loss of freedoms". 

Freedom is not a monoply of some, it is the right for all. Many in Israel share intelligence, culture and generosity. Let them be heard. Many in the Palestinians are forward looking, let them be seen.

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