Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Some watched the rather pathetic Oprah interview.

It probably did not change many hearts and minds. Anyway, frustation and hurt heal better in the surroundings which were on view. It almost looked like a cash-for- crash episode of some sitcom.   At least the pathetic Diana precedent passed the litmus test better than this more self-indulgent spectacle.

In the sunset of the reign of this monarch, the props and the hats are not going to change.  "The Crown" was already the requiem for the Windsors, seen as a dysfunctionnal, idle lot. The sorrows of Meghan and Harry only laid bare a cruel undercurrent which belongs to obsolete rituals.

Probably the monarchy will continue, albeit it in a revised version: "light". If the institution doesn't get rid of too many overdressed extras, the balcony might just collapse under their weight.

Besides, there are too many reasons to feel upset nowadays rather than to commiserate on the exhibitionism of the spoiled.

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