Friday, October 30, 2020


They shoot horses, don't they?

 After four years of chaos Americans deserve some respite. Tragically, the matrix which holds together the United States has been broken. If Biden wins, he will have to deal with a part of the population which has been led into some form of collective denial.  Trump would be an ungracious loser, by the way.  If he were to win, Americans and the world will be shellshocked.  The contenders will be exhausted after this marathon into hell: Trump because he thrives on exhaustian, Biden because he is certainly the more fragile, agewise, of the two.

The United States are united by name only. A great ambition and noble institutions are weakened, as the pillars that supported the American dream have been dissasembled. Even the Supreme Court was thrown into the bonfire lit by the mob. So whatever the outcome will be, the future looks grim. Biden deserves a clear victory, but even then the gates to the White House will be bolted by lies, disputes and maneuvers.

It is sad to watch so grand a history being slaughtered in full view of too many who say too little.  Only the voice of Obama still reaches the heights of indignation and sadness. His words feel closer to Shakespeare than to today's mediocre repetitive news cycle. We have arrived at a nauseous moment wherein the boundaries between the desirable and the objectional melt.  What makes Trump more palable than Putin or Xi Jinpin?  With Biden, the West would have its champion back (Kamala Harris as vice-president is like an insurance for the future). 

Fear has displaced hope. In normal times Americans (and their allies) would have hoped for change and for the restoration of harmony.  Today there is more Angst instead, because the values have been so corrupted that the rules of democracy are no longer trusted.  If either wins there will be riots, either out of spite or out of vengeance. The gallant patterns of before have been killed by the Republican Jacobins. It will take a generation to bring them back to normal.

The future is bleak. President Biden will be a Swiftian hero, too busy to overcome the booby traps he will find everywhere.   President Trump would not waste time before returning to his formal "normal", mutiplied because of his hypocondriac need for reprisal. If the Democrats were (against all odds) able to win over the Senate, the rules of the game could however dramatically change...for the good, whoever the president might be.

One had better count the hours until then and beware of what might happen counting the votes... Trump finds his inspiration in Belarus, not in Plato .

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