Sunday, February 9, 2020


Some expected that the impeachment ritual of president Trump would follow the model of a Shakespearean drama. His lies are for all to see. In a normal court he could not have avoided a guilty verdict. Unfortunately, the Senate production (masterminded by the Republicans) looked almost farcical from the start to the end. The Democrats, with the exception of a few, looked lost in the web of the absurd . Adam Schiff was the lonely white knight. The Republicans appeared solid in repetitive denial. 

The glee in the White House turned into a tap dance, once Trump was acquitted. The former did not wait long before going for the overkill of individuals who had dared to open the can of worms he carries with him in all his endeavors.He is currently playing the Evangelical card while at the same time sending truth and charity to the undertaker. These coming months, before the presidential elections, will be an other post Guy Fawkes manhunt, a settlement of vendettas and a turmoil in foreign affairs .They will become the realm of political "distractions" aimed  to neutralize future scrutiny. The Democrats look lost in trivia or parochial  disputes. Some still doubt that Trump will have four more years. This is is astonishing. He will be everywhere, as long as the Electoral College is the price. He will appear with any world leader as long as he or she is not West European (Johnson's United Kingdom being sui generis  now). The history books will be full of this vicious  setback of democracy in the United States, by way of a coup. Trump's bogeymen overtook the psyche of a country by helping the rise of a man out of the mud and the cement. A similar scenario was engineered in Weimar Germany. L'histoire se repete. Let us hope it ends there.

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