Thursday, October 10, 2019


The president gives himself the medal of genius...meanwhile he sent the Kurds to hell, got himself entangled in a phone call with his Turkish counter part, and exaggerates lies and betrayals even further.

His latest moves go back to Hitler's personal tactics.  After keeping him waiting, Hitler received the Czech state President Emil Hacha who fainted after the Furher's tirade and had to be revived by an injection of Hitler's personal physician. The Windsors, Mitford, Horthy and other sympathizers got the red carpet treatment. True they fell for him and had not to be converted.

Trump's tetes a tetes follow the same pattern. He hardly knows whom he is talking with, shows sloppy interest and kills the allotted time with the American press which shouts questions with total disregard for the guest who looks generally bomb- shelled.  What happens under four eyes is too frightening to imagine.

Now Trump who finds arguments in some underworld argues that there were no Kurds to be seen in Normandy and that for now they can be left to fight for their "land". He forgets that the Americans were always late to board the train of history and that the takers then where the "custodians" of the players today.  But history and manners are to Trump what genuine warmth was for Hitler (notwithstanding a soft-spot for Wagner).

The president pretends to be sickened by America's wars and the bill that comes with them. Indeed he needs to concentrate on the new American civil war, his lawyers and his base which needs to sell its soybeans and coal.  No doubt he will bring a new crusade to the fly-over country and feed the deplorable cultural (?) war and bible class (ironic, coming from a clueless, religion-matters ignorant). Already his electoral winning map is made up and he might yet again win against odds and decency. 

Some pathetic lonely voices in the Republican ranks cannot compensate for the dereliction of the GOP. That Trey Gowdy, infamous since the Benghazi hearings, had to be rescued from oblivion to help manage Trump's dirty tricks speaks for the downward spiral of this administration.  It shows too that the Giuliani spectacle might have met its inglorious end. The Democrats soldier on:  some are smart but came too early, others are enduring but came too late.

Few in NATO or in Ukraine will rejoice...with a ally like Trump better have a more reliable insurance.Alas, poor Yorick !

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