Wednesday, August 21, 2019


The first symptoms of the president's bizarre mental shock waves don't date from yesterday. In his Trump Tower days, he showed already his unbalanced self.  Now the "non-stop talk show" in the White House feels totally off the rails. To insult Denmark, to disparage American Jews, to bring the G8 back to life, and to take the NRA for a pas de deux in one single day might figure in the Guinness Book of Broken Dreams.

Not long ago other mistakes (grammar, data) added salt to the main course of thousand and one lies. Fatigue and blase attitudes became a sort of Maginot Line which protected Americans from total depression. Now this line of defense, together with Trump's wall, have disappeared in some Remembrance of Truth Lost.

Soon America might arrive at a Richard III finale without a kingdom and without a horse. The situation is dire indeed. The allies sulk, the rivals cannot believe their luck in having this fool for "partner", the economy might just tank and the promised miracle infrastructure is just another promise thrown under the bus.  The Democrats vie for being "first in the class" while they should go to Gladiator class and learn how to get the best of the Beast.

The meeting between Presidents Macron and Putin in a setting made for To Catch a Thief  looked enchanted...what a contrast in being able to remain polite in disagreement and civil in choice of words and style. Trump will end up having only Boris Johnson as buddy. They seem made for each other, and for a remake of Dumb and Dumber.

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