Friday, April 19, 2019


Robert S. Mueller III's report reads like a compendium of all lies and dirt of Trump & Co. weaponized to sabotage scrutiny in the links between Trump campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government. The special counsel stayed clear of explicit charges but declined to exonerate the president.

The report reads like a scenario for a Goodfellas remake. The many circles of kin, underlings and minions are a Dante-like inferno. It can happen that the worse behavior might still obey to more tragic or even noble beginnings. Here, all is vulgar, selfish, pedestrian. We are in some Camorra plot with the usual executioners, fixers and serial crooks. Trump is just an illiterate Don, too busy trying to erase his sins to find time for fulfilling the duties of the presidency. Hence under his watch, the USA, the first power, is in free fall.

The cynics will argue that the president won. They might have a point, since the Democrats don't know what to do and since the Republicans have lost their moral compass. Trump will certainly continue on his rampage. His Helsinki meeting with Putin was worse than the historical demonized Munich 1938 conference and there will be more. Normally, the proven numerous Russian interference in the US elections should have led to diplomatic demarches, counter-measures and outright official condemnation. Instead, America behaves like a Russian protectorate!

As much as the president acts servile to Putin (and hostile to allies), he is demanding total execution of his impulses from his entourage. The former felt often obliged to overturn motu proprio the blatant illegal actions they were supposed to carry out. Only in his attorney general was he able to find the "lapdog" he craved. William P. Barr has indeed created a Francois Truffaut-like Nuit Americaine, some alternative artificial verso for too coarse recto. In this comedy of errors, he is Trump's convenient fool.

The future will be a continued funeral procession, mourning the corpse of yesterday's American dream. No eclipse lasts forever though. Unfortunately, this vary dark era will be hard to lift, since these monstrous times are immune to a Parsifal moment of grace and atonement. Goliath is proven hard to kill and David is hard to find.

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