Monday, March 19, 2018


It feels more and more like an uphill battle to try to live under this administration's chaos ,while it is becoming clear that under the guise of the absurd there lurks something very nefarious. Now that Trump's Rasputin, Brad Parscale, digital guru with a cause, is in the spotlight, the apparent incoherence appears to  be a tactic to deflect scrutiny. This unhinged feeling  power shift is actually driven by a dark agenda. One had better return to Trump's inaugural "scream" to understand what might be going on.

The Cambridge Analytica role or Facebook manipulation in the Presidentials are by now undisputed facts. The fundamental DNA of Trump -anti free trade, narrow nationalistic, mostly world indifferent, corrupt- is no longer disguised, and worse is to come.

The situation is becoming so alarming, internationally, that the Chinese recalled Wang Qishan from retirement to deal with the US administration 's scorched - earth policies. Maybe the French president might try a similar inroad but the EU is in a most difficult situation, having to deal with Trump copycat leaders in its midst (mostly Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech republic...and others in waiting). 2018 will be a difficult year. Trump is indifferent to world opinion. As long as he hears the applause of a few he ignores the disbelief of the rest. In the US he prefers to rule over the heads of the many in favor of the adulation of the base. It has become irrelevant to look for professionalism or real talent in this administration which is build on a morally indifferent "occupation" force rather than on a principled "preoccupation" with shared priorities and needs. What links those people is just a matter of opportunity...and greed.

The reckoning will happen but it is far from certain that wisdom will prevail. The Mueller investigation, the strategic shrinking of American interests in the world, the mostly ambiguous Trump/Putin farce , the US / European Srindberg's " Dance of death"- like relationship in free fall, point to an absurd "denouement".

America is losing its soft power. The world which was looking for the American dream got stuck with the nightmare of a country mostly ruled by the NRA. The Pennsylvania recount pressure is the public face of this increasing polarization, encouraged by the Manchurian president. In the short run indeed we are all dead. Comey's upcoming memoir might be a timely epitaph.

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