Friday, July 21, 2017


The president is on a kind of "love tour".  Since he returned from Paris, he has President Macron on his mind. He becomes (almost) lyrical when describing their mutual infatuation.  Listening to him, he and the French president hadn't enough hands to feel each other's closeness. Macron and Trump vie for Trump's attention.  Back home the president got rid of the "non sexy" Sean Spicer and replaced him with the "plain" Sarah Huckabee Sanders (tel pere, telle fille). She will be supervised by the new communication czar Anthony Scaramucci. He spent his first public appearance playing the part of Trump's "sweet prince", lost in repetitive love sonnets addressed at the Clockwork Orange president. This unusual trans- border, transgender global love fest is the more remarkable since this administration is generally driven by mutual contempt and rage against the outside world. Scaramucci, who was the Trump Tower bouncer-in-chief, is known for his past leanings to the Democrats, his (erased) criticisms of Trump and his uneven success on Wall Street.

While the Republicans seem to be unable to agree on anything, this week of love might be a cover for worse things to come. Actually it feels like a possible return to a Bad Wiessee scenario. The attorney general was thrown under the bus and Robert Mueller, special investigator of the Russian imbroglio, was put on notice. All this creates a climate of suspicion before Paul Manafort and Trump, Jr. testify under oath next Wednesday about last year's ever numerically expanding meeting with several attendants of Russian origin or with Russian connections in Trump Tower.

The president's New York Times interview showed again that he only reacts to visual sensors. He is hooked to TV and media. He goes by appearance and if the chemistry is not there (Chancellor Merkel) he sulks. He doesn't read and is not interested in precedent or history. In the same vein, every function he attends becomes a Rotary where one exchanges business cards and/or networks. As in Hamburg, when bored he ignores the people seated next to him and heads for the more interesting other, with a frontal attack and no consideration of others. After he was humiliated by then-President Obama at the Correspondents Dinner in Washington, he swore never to be a captive again.

At the end of this Friday, reality comes back with a vengeance. The petty accountants in the White House will attempt yet again to falsify numbers and facts, trying to hide the sinkhole wherein bad intentions find an inglorious end. The president is already consulting how to pardon the ones who came too close to the throne, in exchange for their silence.

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