Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Trump looks more and more like some "Queens version" of Laocoon who, together with his two sons, was attacked by snakes sent by the gods as punishment for his transgressions. This parallel is unfair to Laocoon, who would never have gotten as low as the current White House modus operandi. With the latest emails from Trump's elder son, the bad news twister gained even more strength. Compared to this "Ems Dispatch" the Clinton emails look more and more like the tidbits they were from the start.  The naked, irrefutable, mendacious kowtowing to Russia is an embarrassment for the Republicans. The United States are now seen as being dragged down in a Camora saga. Trump is toxic and all who in the past and now came close to him get burned.

The White House is on virtual lock-down, with press briefings reduced to audio, and a couple of Fox News losers obliged to avoid hard questions. The panic is such that Trump's entourage briefly unhooked Pat Robertson (for the fascist/ evangelical consumers) from his respirator to praise Trump's achievements in the G-20 .

We knew that this presidential election led to a risky outcome. Now we see that the tale which was initiated on January 20th is becoming a nightmare. It has been called a coup, but it feels more like a robbery. The entourage of the president is his willing accomplice in murky deals, corruption and fake news, which all come to light thanks to the press. Given what is known now about the Trump & Co. the power grab is becoming perilous. With Steve Bannon being for now the captain of this nightmare, a self-fulfilling prophecy comes to mind: "As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods."

Now the president is going to Paris. Unlike what happened in Poland, nobody will be bused in to applaud the "clockwork orange" president. In France, as in Western Europe, Trump will find himself on hostile ground.  Lately, some countries do not repeat historical mistakes of the kind the United States and the United Kingdom made.

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