Wednesday, March 8, 2017


While sitting in the accelerator of daily horrors we become tone-deaf. Occasionally there is an event out of the "ordinary" (if such a category can be referred to while covering the multiplication of slaughter) which is sadly therapeutic.

In the Domaine de Thoiry zoo, near Paris, a white rhino was shot. One horn was chain-sawed off, while the second horn was partially cut.  The rhino, called Vince, is already becoming the symbol for all that is wrong in our societies. The zoo, which is supposed to protect, became another trap. The poachers of rhinos are no longer content to wage their animal genocidal war in mostly South Africa, they "cover" new grounds.

Surveillance cameras (there was also staff on site as well) might help to find the "killers".  Sadly, Vince has joined Cecil the Lion in the pantheon of the absurd. The violence in many parts of the world rules the waves but anesthetizes the hearts. The death of a poor displaced rhino might be a wake-up call ...with a short lifespan.

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