Thursday, January 12, 2017


Since Trump's press conference--his first as president-elect--a lot has been said about style and substance. His verbal fireworks, his lack of coherence, his "divide and rule" tactics have given rise to many historical innuendos. This was to be expected given his "calculated" histrionics, but it is also grossly overstated given that he is by temperament an a-historic, non-referential "heteroclite".  He is an insular personality, self-centered and oblivious of any form of justifiable argument. He might bring to mind past characters but he is unlike any of them, since he is devoid of all continuity, be it in short-term thought or in long-term vision.  He remains a dealer for whom "tomorrow is another day".

This proposition is not an anticipation for the outcome. It might be hard to find for now reasons to give the president-elect a "can do" voucher, but he is shrewd and has a knack for playing Nero while Rome is burning.  His first choices for his administration are far from insignificant. The man should not be underestimated. Even while his shortcomings are clear, his resilience stands out, be it at a cost.

The president-elect acts as if he wants to be cushioned by a very close circle while reserving for himself the right to be the ultimate referee among a cabinet of rivals. One must hope he will not start to think of himself as another President Lincoln.  He is so enamored with himself that the absurd might become the new normal.

Now the rumors, the Page Six innuendos rule. Given an  appetite for "crass", largely encouraged by the Trump vogue, this was to be expected. His Russia fixation will haunt him with a vengeance. Leaders who see themselves as strong men are often attracted to one another.  As in a relationship one is always more in need than the other.  It would be ironic if the stronger partner--the US--would fall prey to the failed one--the Russian Federation--but then, infatuation is blind.

President Obama's last days in office are becoming a kind of guilt trip for a country which looks shell-shocked in the realization that the next man in power might not be the right person after all.  A president might be a-typical, democracy is not. 


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