Sunday, October 30, 2016


The Dreyfus Affair rocked France and the world in the 19th Century. 
Now, in 2016 America, the FBI's director Delphic statement regarding the possible content of a trove of Secretary Clinton's emails found among third party emails has created a shock-wave in the last days of this US election cycle. Director James Comey said too much or too little, letting loose an avalanche of more unwelcome interpretations. The usual Republican gerontocracy and Clinton haters got a silver bullet.  The hordes of Trump fans rally around the slogan "lock her up", in Munich beer hall '30s-mode.  Meanwhile, the rule of law is thrown under the bus.

The Republican candidate is following the Putin handbook for dirty talk and tricks.  Comey's move is suspicious at least in the absence of any rationale until now. This only corroborates the "vast right-wing conspiracy tales", which are nurtured by the psychopathic behavior of the dirty old men around Trump.  The so-called white blue-collar men who feel ignored had a better choice, since they could have voted for Bernie Sanders.  Instead they turned to a penthouse demagogue and his vanity fair (the small print) family.

The difference with the Dreyfus Affair is the outrage of the intelligentsia in France then, under the banner of Emile Zola's J'accuse.   Here, now it feels as if too many are too stunned to find words for their disbelief !

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