Saturday, September 3, 2016


Trump has been compared to many.  Most had better remain nameless, all are disreputable.
Actually, his perfect twin is the British Nigel Farage clown, the father of the catastrophic Brexit.  The not so narrow victory of the Brexit league risks reducing the United Kingdom to irrelevance and the European continent to an amusement park with some cultural and gastronomic exceptions.  Without Britain, the former continental demons will have a free ride once the elections in Germany and France take care of what is left of the Salon de l'Horloge spirit.  Farage & Co. are the ultimate arsonists who set Europe on fire.

Trump appeals to the same type of voters and, if elected, might facilitate the same outcome. His support comes from a segment of voters, not unlike in the UK, who feel frustrated, snubbed and ignored.  I haven't seen a cultural, academic or informed lobby applauding the insults of the not-so-great real estate bluffer. His chances are nihil, on condition that no deus ex machina  comes to the rescue. That some individuals feel frustrated is a fact and their alienation from the elites can be easily understood at a time of unreliable economic data. The danger is that here, as in the United Kingdom, the tele-evangelists and political farceurs might take advantage of this latent, not illegitimate negative mood of mostly white male blue-collar workers.

If America were ever to vote Trump and the Nuremberg style, America might as well commit suicide, provoking an internal hemorrhage of history, culture, innovation and democracy. Noise will kill discourse and everyone with manners will choose the Aventine over the Capitol. Fox News will be the law of the land and Breitbart would be the Camelot of the regime. I think that this Ubu Roi nightmare has no chance, but the Democratic presidential nominee better be prepared for what will be more of a carpet bombing assault than a battle of ideas...the Queensberry rules will not apply!

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