Monday, December 7, 2015


Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate, said that he wanted to ban Muslims from entering the United States.  In doing so, he offended all the USA stands for and he cornered himself into some "neo-fascist" niche.

It is one thing to condemn radical Jihadists, it is another all together to resort to a vocabulary which has no legitimacy in the American psyche. Few countries have been as good and generous in accepting plurality in their midst...contrary to Europe.  Muslims are in their vast majority Americans first. To confuse all of them with a "bad lot" is a fraudulent assessment. In doing so, Trump was able to insult all Muslims, to provide ISIL with counter-argument and get Mrs. Clinton and Dick Cheney to agree.   Who could ever have imagined that to happen?

The anti-Trump uproar, coming after the San Bernardino massacre, shows that America can still relate to its Jeffersonian heritage.

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