Saturday, June 27, 2015


Last week was high drama in the United States. The President was able to get the necessary "fast track" green-light for the negotiation of trade deals with both Asia and Europe.  The Supreme Court vetted the Affordable Care Act as the "law of the land".  In Charleston, the church shooting lead to a response which was both impressive and dignified.  The same Court made gay marriage available and legal in all states of the Union.  The ruling was met with emotion for most but some blatant rejection in the ultra conservative right.

Facts run faster than their appreciation.

The Democrats remain opposed to trade deals, considered an open door for unemployment, delocalization, environmental transgressions and distortion of labor protection. They fail to appreciate the opening of markets and the strategic added value of creating free trade conditions in Asia or Europe before China or Russia can move their pawns. By the way, they have already started making moves which split America's Western allies.

The same sex marriage issue is a tricky one. While the majority of public opinion in the United States backs the long overdue move, the extreme right will attempt everything to sabotage on the state level this federal intrusion.  One should not underestimate the Huckabee/Cruz/Santorum and like-minded cronies. They appeal to a segment of American society which feels snubbed and alienated from the liberal mainstream, considered as being elitist.
More unudual is how the battle among the judges in the Supreme Court was waged. Generally, a tone of mutual courtesy prevails between the majority and the dissenters. Opposite opinions do not stand in the way of personal chemistry or an overall collegiality. For the first time maybe, minority opinions were worded in almost scathing personal attacks. Judge Scalia wrote a Cicero versus Catalina  homophobe indictment which will tarnish his reputation as a man of both conviction and wit.  Bigotted politicians like to run "amok" but one expects more "gravitas" from the first bench of the land. 

The battle was won, the war will continue. Fortunately, the opposing arguments are promised a certain death in the near future because they are rooted in some anti-Darwinian, anti-pluralistic loser's mindset. The gay community and their many supporters must beware of acting smug, since all opponents are not braindead and many can be won over by patience rather than being ostracised as hopelessly out of touch.

Quoting Cicero:  "The wise are instructed by reason; ordinary minds by experience; the stupid by necessity; and brutes by instinct."

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