Tuesday, November 25, 2014


America is (in)famous for Black Friday, following Thanksgiving.  The Administration will now be remembered for its own 'Black Week.'

The secretary of defense was dismissed. The traditional ceremonial announcement was embarrassing to watch and painful for all the actors concerned:  humiliating for Chuck Hagel and hypocritical for the President.  Hagel probably lacked the macho, to the point, zingers that are expected for a man/woman in his position.  Mostly he fell victim to Obama's inner-circle seraglio, led by the even more gauche Susan Rice.

The secretary of state, who is starting to get a reputation for 'talk 4 talk', came back from Vienna with an Iranian assurance that the oral games will be continued until no more synonyms for centrifuge are available. This is almost a repeat of the Middle East talks, which led to 'nowhere minus', since the situation is deteriorating by the day.

Kiev is supposed to consider a rapprochement with NATO. Corpses attract.  It is to be hoped that Ms. Nuland will discourage this insane proposal.

Meanwhile, the President tries to sell his immigration plan, which makes sense but is also misguided insofar as yet again it totally snubs the legitimate susceptibilities of the Republicans. Electoral wins have consequences in democracy.

Racial tensions are flaring up everywhere after the Grand Jury verdict in Ferguson. The a la carte ubiquitous attorney general prefers a low profile, until now. The President procrastinates. The looting and destruction send us back to times which we prefer to forget. The Administration suffers from opportunistic memory-loss, mobilizing "have-beens", playing "dummy ", hoping this too will pass.

We find ourselves in the week of 'the long knives', in an almost surreal situation wherein the White House plays into the business-as-usual sophism when the reality on the ground is one of bruised egos and a burned inner-city.

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